The Awards are given to authors for an original article of extraordinary significant published on the Paddy and Water Environment in the twelve-month period ending with February of the year preceding the year of award.
Selection Process
- Every editor recommends candidates with the evaluation sheet whose papers have been published on the Paddy and Water Environment in the twelve-month period.
- The Nominating Committee chaired by the Editor-in Chief of the Paddy and Water Environment nominates the names of nominees from among the candidates.
- The Nominating Committee reports the names of nominees to the President of the Society.
Past Awardees
YEAR of 2004
- Zewei Miao, Laura Padovani, Carlo Riparbelli, Amy M. Ritter, Marco Trevisan, and Ettore Capri -SAWADA Prize-“Prediction of the environmental concentration of pesticide in paddy field and surrounding surface water bodies” 1(3), 2003
- Tai-Cheol Kim, Jae-Myun Lee, and Dae-Sik Kim, “Decision support system for reservoir operation considering rotational supply over irrigation blocks” 1(3), 2003
- Yutaka Matsuno, Masahiro Tasumi, Wim van der Hoek, Ramaswamy Sakthivadivel, and Kyoichi Otsuki, “Analysis of return flows in a tank cascade system in Sri Lanka” 1(4), 2003
- Masaya Ishikawa, Toshio Tabuchi, and Eiji Yamaji, “Clarification of adsorption and movement by predicting ammonia nitrogen concentrations in paddy perction water” 1(1), 2003
YEAR of 2005
- Hideo Nakasone, Muhammad Akhtar Abbas, and Hisao Kuroda –SAWADA Prize-, “Nitrogen transport and transformation in packed soil columns from paddy fields” 2(3), 2004
- Satyanto Krido Saptomo, Yoshisuke Nakano, Kozue Yuge, and Tomokazu Haraguchi – SATO Prize-, “Observation and simulation of thermal environment in a paddy field” 2(2), 2004
- Kunihiko Yoshino, Keiji Kushida, and Yoshinori Ishioka, “Differences in plant canopy bi-directional reflectance factors among rice varieties” 2(3), 2004
- Romeo J. Cabangon, To Phuc Tuong, Ernesto G.Castillo, Lang Xing Bao,Guoan Lu, Guangho Wang, Yuanlai Cui, Bas A.Bouman, Yuanhua Li, Chongde Chen, and Jianzhang Wang, “Effect of irrigation method and N-fertilizer management on rice yield, water productivity and nutrient-use efficiencies in typical lowland rice conditions in China” 2(4), 2004
YEAR of 2006
- Koichi Unami and Toshihiko Kawachi, -SAWADA Prize-, “Systematic assessment of flood mitigation in a tank irrigated paddy fields area” 3(4), 2005
- Kunihiko Yoshino and Yoshinori Ishioka -SATO Prize-, “Guidelines for soil conservation towards integrated basin management for sustainable development:A new approach based on the assessment of soil loss risk using remote sensing and GIS” 3(4), 2005
- Kozue Yuge, Tomokazu Haraguchi, Yoshisuke Nakano, Masaharu Kuroda, and Mitsumasa Anan, “Quantification of soil surface evaporation under micro-scale advection in drip-irrigated fields” 3(1), 2005
YEAR of 2007
- Takeo Tsuchihara, Satoshi Ishida, Masayuki Imaizumi and Toshihiko Kawachi -SAWADA Prize-, “Integrated field-and model-based study of hydro-environmental aspects of a small endangered wetland in eastern Hokkaido, Japan” 4(3), 2006
- Richard N.Boisvert and David Blandford -SATO Prize-, “Multifunctionality and non-trade concerns: implications for future agricultural policy in Asia” 4(4), 2006
- Hun-Hao Chang and Richard N. Boisvert – MARUYAMA Prize, “Accounting for geographic heterogeneity of multifunctional rice policy in Taiwan” 4(4), 2006
YEAR of 2008
- Toshiaki Iida, Sanjit Kumar Deb, and Ram Gopal Kharbuja -SAWADA Prize-, “Nitrous oxide emission measurement with acetylene inhibition method in paddy fields under flood conditions” 5(2), 2007
- Shahbaz Khan –SATO Prize-, “Equivalent cropping area and whole farm water balance approaches to reduce net recharge to shallow saline groundwater from rice based cropping systems”5(3),2007
YEAR of 2009
- Yasushi Ishigooka, Tsuneo Kuwagata, Shinkichi Goto, Hitoshi Toritani, Hiroyuki Ohno, and Sin-ichi Urano –SAWADA Prize-, “Modeling of continental-scale crop water requirement and available water resources”6(1), 2008
- Toshisuke Maruyama, Iwao Hashimoto, Kazuo Murashima, and Hiroshi Takimoto –SATO Prize-, “Evaluation of N and P mass balance in paddy rice culture along Kahokugata Lake,Japan,to assess potential lake pollution” 6(4), 2008
- Kwang-Wook Jung, Sang-Woo Lee, Ha-Sun Hwang, and Jae-Ho Jang, “The effects of spatial variability of land use on stream water quality in a coastal watershed” 6(3), 2008
YEAR of 2010
- Quang Huy Hoang, Naritaka Kubo, Ngan Giang Hoang, HajimeTanji -SAWADA Prize- “Operation of the Ba Lai irrigation system in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam” 7(2), 2009
- Junichiro Takeuchi, Toshihiko Kawachi , Koichi Unami, Shigeya Maeda, Tomoki Izumi -SAWADA Prize- “A distributed hydro-environmental watershed model with three-zoned cell profiling” 7(1), 2009
- Jin-Ho Kim, Chul-Mann Choi, Song-Bae Kim, Soon-Kuk Kwun -SAWADA Prize- “Water quality monitoring and multivariate statistical analysis for rural streams in South Korea” 7(3), 2009
YEAR of 2011
Dr. Tejendra Chapagani (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Dr. Eiji Yamaji (University of Tokyo, Japan )
- Tejendra Chapagain, Eiji Yamaji -SAWADA Prize-, “The effects of irrigation method, age of seedling and spacing on crop performance, productivity and water-wise rice production in Japan” 8 (1), 2010
YEAR of 2012
- Abha Mishra, Vilas M. Salokhe -SAWADA Prize, “Rice root growth and physiological responses to SRI water management and implications for crop productivity”9(1), 2011
- Shi-Zhang Peng, Shi-Hong Yang, Jun-Zeng Xu, Yu-Feng Luo, Hui-jing Hou -MARUYAMA Prize“Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching losses from paddy fields with different water and nitrogen managements”9(3), 2011
YEAR of 2013
- Chuan-Pin Chien and Wen-Tsun Fang -SAWADA Prize-, “Modeling irrigation return flow for the return flow reuse system in paddy fields”
YEAR of 2014
- Mohsen Jalali and Narges Hemati Matin-SAWADA Prize-,”Chemical fractionation of seven heavy metals(Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in selected paddy soils of Iran”
YEAR of 2015
- Ankit Singla and Kazuyuki Inubushi- SAWADA Prize-, “Effect of biochar on CH4 and N2O emission from soils vegetated with paddy” vol.12(1)239-234, 2014
YEAR of 2016
- Yuan-Hua Li, Pei-Yuan Chen, Wei-Hsuan Lo, Ching-Pin Tung-SAWADA Prize-“Integrated water resources system dynamics modeling and indicators for sustainable rural community”vol.13(1)29-41, 2015
- In-Kyun Jung, Dong-Ryul Lee, Jong-Yoon Park, Guen-Ae Park, Seong-Joon Kim,”Application of distributed KlneMatic wave STOrm Runoff Model(KIMSTORM)for flood simulation considering dam release in the NamHan river basin of Korea”vol.13(2)167-177, 2015
- Haisheng Liu, Natsuki Yoshikawa, Susumu Miyazu, Kouhei Watanabe,”Influence of saltwater wadges on irrigation water near a river estuary”vol.13(2)179-189, 2015
YEAR of 2017
- Hiroshi Ikeura, Sengthong Phongchanmixay, Salermphon Phonsangone, Phetyasone Xaypanya, Somphone Inkhamseng and Somnuck Souvath-SAWADA Prize-“Factors affecting differences in the rainy season rice yield in a lowland area of a mountainous village in Lao PDR”vol.14(2), 343-353, 2016
- Goden Mabaya, Koichi Unami, Hidekazu Yoshioka, Junichiro Takeuchi and Masayuki Fujihara “Robust optimal diversion of agricultural drainage water from tea plantations to paddy fields during rice growing seasons and non-rice growing seasons” vol.14(1), 247-258, 2016
- Pei-Yuan Chen, Ching-Pin Tung, Wei-Chih Lin and Yuan-Hua Li “Spatial optimization procedure for land-use arrangement in a community based on a human comfort perspective” vol.14(1), 71-83, 2016
YEAR of 2018
- Md. Mozammel Haque, Jatish Chandra Biswas, Sang Yoon Kim, and Pil Joo Kim-SAWADA Prize-“Intermittent drainage in paddy soil: ecosystem carbon budget and global warming potential” vol.15(2), 403-411, 2017
- Yasutaka Tsukamoto, Iwao Kitagawa, and Ryuuichi Nakamura “Drainage and irrigation performance of hybrid ditches in converted paddy fields under winter wheat cultivation in Hokkaido” vol.15(3), 681-691, 2017
- Inhong Song, Jung-Hun Song, Jeong Hoon Ryu, Kyeung Kim, Jeong-Ryeol Jang, and Moon Seong Kang “Long-term evaluation of the BMPs scenarios in reducing nutrient surface loads from paddy rice cultivation in Korea using the CREAMS-PADDY model” vol.15(1), 59-69, 2017
YEAR of 2019
- Yuan-Hua Li. Ching-Pin Tung, Yuan-Hung Li, and Pei-Yuan Chen-SAWADA Prize-“Assessing climate change adaptations for community-scale water resources using a low-frequency weather generator” vol.16(1):55–69, 2018
- Oliver Fried, Ingolf Kühn, Julian Schrader, Van Sinh Nguyen, and Erwin Bergmeier “Plant diversity and composition of rice field bunds in Southeast Asia” vol.16(2), 359–378, 2018
- Noriko Iwai, Nana Koyama, Sakie Tsuji, and Atsushi Maruyama “Functions of indigenous animals in paddy fields: an in situ experiment on their effects on water quality, phytoplankton, weeds, soil structure, and rice growth” vol.16(1), 89–98, 2018
YEAR of 2020
- Moono Shin, Tomijiro Kubota, Yuzo Manpuku, Yukio Suzuki, Tetsuo Yasutaka, Hisaya Matsunami1, Takeshi Ota, -SAWADA Prize-, “Behavior of radiocesium in decontaminated paddy fields in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan” 17(4):703–714, 2019
- Takao Nakagiri, Hisaaki Kato, Seiji Maruyama, Satoko Hashimoto, Haruhiko Horino, Shinji Sakurai, “Possibility of quantitative assessment of the contribution of paddy irrigation and caldera lakes to river water in Bali Island using water isotopic physics” 17(3), 463–473, 2019
- Naritaka Kubo, “Effective and convenient water management by tele‑metering and controlling check gates in main open canal” 17(2), 109–120, 2019
YEAR of 2021
- Yoji Kunimitsu and Motoki Nishimori, -SAWADA Prize-, “Policy measures to promote mid‑summer drainage in paddy fields for a reduction in methane gas emissions: the application of a dynamic, spatial computable general equilibrium model” 18(1): 211–222, 2020
- Ying Li, Zhi‑Yong Dong, Dong‑Zi Pan and Cun‑Hong Pan, “Effects of subterranean termite nest architectures on earth embankment seepage and stability” 18(2), 367–384, 2020
YEAR of 2022
- Wenpeng Xie, Masaomi Kimura, Toshiaki Iida and Naritaka Kubo-SAWADA Prize-,“Simulation of water temperature in paddy fields by a heat balance model using plant growth status parameter with interpolated weather data from weather stations” 19(1): 35–54, 2021
- Kumiko Tsujimoto, Kotaro Ono, Tetsu Ohta, Koemorn Chea,E‑Nieng Muth, Sanara Hor and Lyda Hok, “Multiyear analysis of the dependency of the planting date on rainfall and soil moisture in paddy fields in Cambodia, 2003–2019” 19(4), 635–648, 2021
- Rajan Bhatt, Pritpal Singh, Akbar Hossain and Jagadish Timsina, “Rice–wheat system in the northwest Indo‑Gangetic plains of South Asia: issues and technological interventions for increasing productivity and sustainability” 19(3), 345–365, 2021
YEAR of 2023
- Shikha Thapa Magar, Jagadish Timsina, Krishna Prasad Devkota, Liang Weili-SAWADA Prize-,“Energy and greenhouse gas footprint analysis of conventional and reduced tillage practices in rainfed and irrigated rice–wheat systems” 20(3) :413-427, 2022
- Ren Yamamoto, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata, “Three‑layered Feedforward artificial neural network with dropout for short‑term prediction of class‑differentiated Chl‑a based on weekly water‑quality observations in a eutrophic agricultural reservoir” 20(1) : 61-78, 2022
- Hsin‑Piao Chiu, Yi‑Lung Yeh, Samkele S. Tfwala, Gcina Mavuso, Ching‑Nuo Chen, “The assessment of rill irrigation and perforated pipes for Lowland paddy rice under the system of rice intensification (SRI)” 20(2) : 187-197, 2022
YEAR of 2024
- Wen‑Cheng Liu, Chun‑Kai Chung, Wei‑Che Huang -SAWADA Prize-, “Image‑based recognition and processing system for monitoring water levels in an irrigation and drainage channel” 21(4): 417–431, 2023
- Taehwa Lee, Won Seok Jang, Beomseok Chun, Mirza Junaid Ahmad, Younghun Jung, Jonggun Kim, Yongchul Shin, “Development of irrigation schedule and management model for sustaining optimal crop production under agricultural drought” 21(1): 31–45, 2023
- Shigehiro Kubota, Kazuhiro Nishida, Shuichiro Yoshida, “Plant hydraulic resistance controls transpiration of soybean in rotational paddy fields under humid climates” 21(2): 219–230, 2023